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The Morning Sunshine

Seth Hendricks
Seth Hendricks


Stillness and serenity: two words only whispered this early in the morning. There they lay, resting on their stack of feathers, enjoying the light of a new day as it creeps through the cracks in the curtains. It’s well known that such relaxation only comes twice a day: once before it arises and again after it runs out of fuel. On either end of this spectrum, it’s always a crap shoot. Time is never more precious. No matter the task at hand, nothing throws a wrench in the mix like fending of a monster, better yet, a kraken. From the ungreased door hinge to every spoken word from our four legged friends, their hearts race with anxiety for a brief moment. It doesn’t take long for them to appreciate each undisturbed second that passes. Every untroubled bite, every undisturbed chore and every uninterrupted thought feels like a gift only received on December 25th. However, time is inevitable.

As these letters are put to work, with each sip of the delicious morning roast, the kraken is closer to being fully fueled. In a matter of seconds, with strands of hair running in all directions, pacifier in mouth and bunny in tow, an unmistakable shriek will echo through the room, walk down the stairs and place itself directly on the drums of mom and dad. The kraken will start to shift, stretching for the big day ahead. Simultaneously the blankets shimmy to the corner, her furry sisters stir in fear and her caretakers hearts begin to pump a wee bit faster. As she patiently awaits her release from the cell she spent the overnight in, they push the limits to finish whatever it is they are doing. And just like that, in the blink of an eye, at the drop of a hat, in no longer than mere seconds, the silence of a peaceful and relaxing morning turns into parenthood.

