What several hundred dollars and several hundred miles taught me.

Seth Hendricks
Seth Hendricks
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2016
Photo Credit: weavinggrace.com

This past weekend my wife and I loaded up the car and, once again, headed for “home.” Although the trip isn’t far (just under 300 miles) when you throw a kid and two dogs into the mix, things get a bit tricky. And even still the drive wouldn’t bear too much weight if we hadn’t traveled this same route nearly ten times already this year! Knowing this, it may not come as a surprise when I wasn’t stoked about departing for a 4.5 hour trip at 7:30 PM on a Thursday. But hey, when it’s wedding season, what can you do?

As we loaded the car and headed south, well east then south, I began to ready myself for what was ahead. In a couple short days I was going to be driving over 800 miles to attend two weddings, one of which I was in, and one graduation party. Although it may not sound like a lot, it was certainly looking to be a bit tiring and the weekend didn’t fail me. On top of the travel there was also the financial fatigue that was set to take place. Between travel, tux rental, money for a baby sitter (aka wine for our my wife’s parents), hotel, gifts and food costs, the weekend bill rung up somewhere near $more than I wanted to spend. But hey, when it’s wedding season, what can you do?

As Friday and Saturday ripped by and the Sunday morning chatter woke me from my deep slumber, I couldn’t help but look back and reflect at how fulfilling the previous 48 hours truly were. Despite sounding cynical about the time and money spent, here is what I took away from a fantastic weekend:

  1. No matter how many weddings you attend, the ceremonies are all different… except for Catholic weddings- those are all the same. *disclaimer: there is nothing wrong with Catholic ceremonies, this is just a basic observation I have made. *disclaimer part 2: nor are Catholic ceremonies bad, they are all simply similarly structured- now get off my back for stating the obvious.
  2. No matter how many weddings you attend, the receptions are always unique and a blast!
  3. Weddings are the most extravagant and most fun parties I have ever attended.
  4. Despite spending time with friends who are as close to family, seeing my true family brings me to an unrivaled level of happiness.
  5. You can always do more to make your life more fulfilling. Before this weekend, I was bound by my perception of what I could fit in a day. Now, I know that needs to be expanded.
  6. Spending extensive time in a car with someone who challenges you intellectually and enjoys discussing life goals is a great way to stay engaged and moving forward… unless that person is asleep.
  7. Spending baby free and, more importantly, distraction free time with my significant other is one of the best ways to spend time.
  8. People pay attention to you when you are working on your passion. Find what you love, start doing it and don’t stop until you feel you are finished. People will watch, listen and learn as long as you are willing to put forth the effort!
  9. Money and time are valuable but experiences are irreplaceable.

All in all, I took a lot away from this weekend. We ran around like crazy, saw a few dozen people we haven’t seen in months or years, mingled, danced, ate, hardly slept and drove… a lot. Looking back, knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t change it one bit. It was a full, fast, fun and unforgettable couple of days. Congratulations to all of those who had a major event this past weekend and to those with one upcoming. Work hard in your new endeavor, whatever that may be, as that is the only way to reach real, sustainable success!

