Volt 9.1–09.13.17

Iian Kehn
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2017

Volt was launched back in May with a lot of new changes and additions from Photon 4, today I am proud to announce the next service release for Volt, version 9.1 which addresses a variety of issues regarding page rendering.

But instead of rambling on about all the changes, here is a changelog:

New, Shiny Stuff

  • Content from YouTube will no longer be displayed on the site going forward in favor of HTML5 web standards, also, it makes more sense.
  • Disqus integration has been added for commenting.
  • Navigation bar on the top has been added for easier navigation (this bar will be used for further navigation soon!)

Known Issues

  • There is a weird issue where on mobile, when refreshed, the “Featured Video” card doesn’t fill the entire box, not sure what’s going on there seeing as it is the same size as the box. I’m looking into it!
  • On the frontpage with the “lit Sevan” backdrop, the image doesn’t move based on the screen/window size on smaller devices

NOTE: Upon consideration, I have decided that videos from “s03-vep15” onward will have video pages, anything prior to that episode won’t have a page.

If you have any feedback, please let me know, I’m always improving the site!

