Seven Stones: Part Eighty-Six

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
5 min readSep 9, 2016


Previously on Seven Stones: The leader of the warriors claims the arrival of Kobb and the others was prophesied, but refuses to answer further questions until after the heat of the day has passed. While trying to unravel the bits of prophecy already shared, Kobb reveals the final hours of the Siege of Raveth, and his part in them.

Missed a part?

Kobb stumbled forward a step. Had telling Anessa been the wrong thing to do? He hadn’t expected her to praise his actions but…

“Leave her, Reverend.” Anserth stretched an arm across his path. “If she wants to be a useless ball of snot, then let her.”

Anessa lifted her head again. “You… you… I’m glad you don’t like me… No, I wish you did. So knowing you’ll never be my friend ate into you!”

“What the Reverend’s doing is too important.” Anserth met Anessa’s burning gaze. “Letting feelings get in the way of it isn’t right.”

“Feelings?” Anessa lunged forward, fists raised. “What’d you know about having feelings?”

The Inductor pivoted on one heel, letting Anessa pass by, then grabbed her from behind. “Feelings are what make you hesitate, make you let a murderer escape because she’s your friend. That’s why Inductors are trained to ignore them.”



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion