Seven Stones: Part Eleven

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
6 min readMar 21, 2015


Previously on Seven Stones: Following a map showing possible sites of evil, Kobb, Anessa, and Haelen travel further north. After days of good weather, a storm boils up. Feeling both energised and sickened, Kobb almost collapses as lightning strikes; lightning only he seems to see.

Missed a part?

“Something’s off.” Kobb pinched his nose and let his breath slip out of his mouth. The churning in his stomach settled. A tingling on his skin he hadn’t realised was there had gone; as if a storm had broken. But the pewter clouds still pressed down on the road.

And no natural storm had ever brought him close to vomiting; cold and wet, yes, but never like emptying his guts.

His shoulders hunched. More unnerving than a storm racking his body were the effects passing as if they had never been. It didn’t make sense — and yet something felt familiar.

He closed his eyes. He almost had it. For a moment, he could feel rough palms resting on his temples; and smell the mix of sweat and leather from Gannon’s armour. Remember his body seeming to turn inside out as the raw power rebounded from his mentor’s will; and the way the turmoil was but memory the moment he truly saw the crystal in his hand.

Eyes snapping open, he drew his Courser. It looked inert, but the chill of the grip reached deep…



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion