Seven Stones: Part Fifty-Nine

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
6 min readMar 5, 2016


Previously on Seven Stones: With the town of Sallis ill-prepared to resist an army of Skithai, and little chance of finding help in time, the three decide to sneak in rather than announce their quest. To avoid attracting attention, Kobb hides his Courser in his saddlebags. Duke Torvan of Sallis has declared a week-long hunt to celebrate his forthcoming wedding. Suspecting that the Tan-Sorda is the pinnacle of the event, Kobb and the others withdraw to a hostelry to plan. However, hooded warriors interrupt their planning.

Missed a part?

Kobb cursed silently. If he had his Courser, the two crossbowmen would pose little threat. Without it, his only option — other than surrender — was to dive back into his room, which from this distance would leave him flat on the floor; almost certainly both preventing Haelen and Anessa closing the door and re-opening his wound. Assuming his companions managed to hold the others off while he made it to his saddlebag, the noise would alert those downstairs. That wouldn’t stop Kobb fighting free, but all it took was one attacker escaping for half the town to know someone had used a Courser. “I’ll need to talk to my companions.”

The bulky man waved one hand at the doorway.

Kobb sheathed his rapier. As he stepped back into the room, Anessa twitched her crossbow to the left and raised an…



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion