Seven Stones: Part Forty

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2015


Previously on Seven Stones: Kobb and Anessa are taken to the east-siders’ temple to be sacrificed. As they break free of their captors, Anessa finds herself frozen in place as what she thought a statue turns out to be Wilber Aycock, still alive but twisted by foul magics. While Wilber punishes the east-siders for the near escape, Kobb breaks away. Only to surrender as Dereck arrives with a crossbow.

Missed a part?

Kobb backed towards the altar. A bolt to the vitals would be a clean death compared to what the two elder Aycocks intended; from the way Dereck’s hands shook though, he could as easily be left crippled yet alive.

“Well done,” gurgled Wilber. “I told you Dereck deserved initiation. Maybe my grandson can make up for your mistakes.”

“Grandson?” Dereck’s aim swung right to point at Wilber before twitching back to cover Kobb. “What is that? How did it — ?”

Tremaine frowned at his son. “Bow to your grandfather. The God made him strong, as he will make me in my time.”

“God? You mean like…?” Dereck spat towards Kobb.

“No.” Wilber spread his arms and stepped into the light. “A true god. One who shares. One who gives us power and will give us more.”



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion