Seven Stones: Part Forty-Four

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
6 min readNov 7, 2015


Previously on Seven Stones: Believing the man she pulled out of the lake was Karek, Anessa tells the warriors that she has a message from him. They immediately attack. Kobb and Anessa defeat them, but the last warrior accuses her of sorcery with his dying breath.

Missed a part?

Anessa searched her pack for a clean rag. Her fallen opponents no doubt had kerchiefs, or — failing that — singlets. It weren’t right to riffle through their clothes, though — least not without knowing which side they were on. Using her spare shirt felt just as wrong though. Distracted, she didn’t notice Falcon’s approach until he pressed his nose against the back of her neck.

Arms tangled in her possessions, she tumbled forward. “Kobb! What about his bridle? How do we clean the lake water off that?”

“Not worth the time to try.” Kobb strolled over and patted Falcon on the flank. “I can steer him with my knees. Reins are good to hold onto if he’s galloping; I can do without until we find fresh tack, though.”

Anessa struggled to her feet “Suppose you won’t be riding anyway. Whatever those creatures are, they’re taking people to the island. So stands to sense the evil’s there.” She peered around the lake. No sign of a boat, but the matted reeds might hide anything. The only way to tell was walking the shore.



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion