Seven Stones: Part Forty-Six

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2015


Previously on Seven Stones: Anessa sneaks to the ruins. Spotting one of the inhabitants strolling along the street, she follows him. The man ducks into an intact structure that smells strongly of smoke. While trying to find a way to sneak in without being noticed, Anessa sees the inhabitant creeping away. After discovering the building contains nothing apart from a fire built to smell without giving off a plume, she realises the inhabitants want to draw people here.

Missed a part?

Anessa crept sideways across the room, peering through the doorway as she went. Nothing moved in the street, and the buildings looked abandoned. Crossbow ready, she padded forward, skirting the spill of light.

Still no sign of anyone or anything odd. If they watched all the time, they’d have seen her on the roof or creeping about. Slipping around the jamb, she jogged to a pile of rubble and crouched down. A chill wind stirred the dust, but not the shadows. She let her eyes drift. Something might catch the corner of her eye if she didn’t force it.

As she’d half-expected, nothing did. If there were people here, they wouldn’t send someone from another place to tend the fire. And if someone saw her approaching the ruins and set up an ambush, they’d have sprung it by now. So, the area was abandoned. But was the fire a delaying tactic, or did they…



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion