Seven Stones: Part Ninety-Four

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2016


Previously on Seven Stones: Morheru leads a small group of soldiers into the complex to rescue Anessa and the others. However, mind clouded by the Belt, Kobb slaughters them before they can explain. With the First Speaker dead, the last hope of calming the rioters is lost. Anessa demands that they barricade themselves in until Serth is fit to travel. Serth destroys the Belt.

Missed a part?

Anessa’s gaze jumped around the piles of bodies as purple light drove the shadows off Kobb’s face. Where’d the attack come from? Why hadn’t the blast harmed — ? She spun.

Serth lay on the floor, the blackened and twisted remains of a knife next to one hand. Brief flickers of energy crackled across her as the last of the jewels faded.

“Serth!” Anessa fell to her knees. “Why — ? Serth! She’s not — ”

Kobb’s arms slid over her shoulders, pulling her away. “Give Haelen some space.”

Vision blurring and chest aching, she settled back into Kobb’s embrace. Why’d Serth done it? She knew the Belt was dangerous.

“She’s alive,” Haelen said. “Her pulse is weak, but it’s steady.”

“We have to stay then!” Anessa jerked free of Kobb.

“Anessa could be right. Although — ” Haelen tugged at Serth’s clothes. “The bruising’s…



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion