Seven Stones: Part Seventy-Seven

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
5 min readJul 9, 2016


Previously on Seven Stones: Kobb and Haelen convince the nobleman in charge of the palisade that they have useful insights. Hoping to give Anessa leeway to sneak around, Anserth pretends Anessa is just a camp follower. The guards open the gate, but make everyone surrender their weapons. The noble demands Anserth lend Anessa to him as a gesture of friendship. Anserth drags Anessa toward him. However, instead of handing her over, Anserth shoves the noble from the parapet.

Missed a part?

As the pikeman glanced toward his master’s scream, Kobb pivoted and raised his arms. From the corners of his eyes, he saw Anserth shove Anessa behind a table while her companions dived for the nearest guards. A judder ran through Kobb’s left wrist as it caught the second guard’s pikestaff, deflecting the lunge over his head.

For a breath, Anserth’s men held the advantage. Then the enemy shook off their surprise. Thrusting through gaps in the fight, the unengaged pikemen pushed Anserth’s men back.

Unarmed and with an enemy on both sides, Kobb resigned himself to the least worst option. Stepping hard left before either opponent could bring their weapon in line, he slid his arm down the pikestaff. Shoulder and elbow rolling as his weight moved, Kobb drove his fist into his enemy’s crotch.



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion