Seven Stones: Part Sixty-Five

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
6 min readApr 15, 2016


Previously on Seven Stones: The Duke and Eminent Valk leave the service part way through. Kobb and Anessa reach the rear gate of the chapter house without attracting unwanted attention. However, two soldiers block their escape.

Missed a part?

Anessa’s shoulders slumped as the Duke’s guards stepped into view. How’d the guards known Kobb would head here?

“Is there some problem?” Kobb jutted his chin at the one who held a sword on him.

“Duke’s orders, Reverend.” The guard lowered his blade, but didn’t sheathe it “No one’s to use this entrance.”

Anessa frowned as Kobb stepped forward. Didn’t that make him easier to attack?

“An entire congregation left through the front doors bare moments ago. Clearly, the Duke meant stop people using this gate to enter the temple.” The guards moved apart as Kobb tapped the hilt of his sword. “Eminent Valk wants the wall secure. Would you like to tell him that my acolyte and I were detained from our duties?”

“We should check.”

Kobb spread his hands. “We’re all honest workers here, not barrack lawyers. You could send for your superior, or make me go back through the temple to the main doors then come along the wall on the outside. Or you could save me the walk, and I’ll mention I found…



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion