Seven Stones: Part Twelve

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
6 min readMar 28, 2015


Previously on Seven Stones: The three adventurers reach a circle of stones in the middle of an area blasted clear of all vegetation. Kobb discovers an invisible barrier created from the same power as his Courser. His efforts to break through attract the attention of a dishevelled man who claims to have raised the wall to protect himself from Eaters. To prove they aren’t thieves, they agree to the man’s demand they bring him the leader of the Eaters, alive.

Missed a part?

Anessa watched the man stride back into a tent. His accusation still rankled, but she supposed anyone would be rude if they had been attacked by their allies. Not that he shouldn’t have expected it: making a deal with Eaters.

She turned slowly on the spot. After facing the Korha, the prospect of Eaters didn’t seem so terrifying. And, whatever raising the power meant, it had cleared the forest back hundreds of feet in every direction, so there wasn’t much danger of an ambush; which was lucky, because she’d need all her attention to find a trail with the ground scrubbed clean. “Least we know what to expect from Eaters, so it’ll be easier this time. Bigger problem’s finding them.”

Kobb frowned. “Last time, we were killing them not trying to capture them, and we almost died. And a Courser only kills; even if I get the chance, I can’t shoot the Eater.”



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion