Seven Stones: Part Twenty-Two

Dave Higgins
Seven Stones
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2015


Previously on Seven Stones: Kobb and Anessa use one of the stones to travel to Alcston. Searching the hut of a mysterious sorcerer, Kobb discovers a way of using the sigils that control his Courser to make the journey easier.

Missed a part?

Anessa grabbed Haelen. “We did it!”

“That’s good to hear.” Haelen wriggled free. “But, let’s get inside. I brewed up a new batch of sleeping potion. And the Reverend will want to shake the cold off after…”

Kobb rolled his shoulders. “Journey there weren’t ideal, so best if Haelen takes a poke to make sure nothing permanent happened. Wouldn’t say no to something warm though, if you don’t mind starting supper, Anessa.”

Haelen nodded. “I’ll try to be quick. Wouldn’t be fair to force her to eat it all.”

Kobb snorted.

Anessa stomped over to the woodpile. Weren’t nothing wrong with a healthy appetite. Probably be more pleasantness and less arguing if people ate up their porridge instead of spending their time making odd writings. Only a few days wood left, maybe a bit longer if they weren’t around to need a fire in the day. She peered out into the fading light. Would it be safe to lower the barrier for a while to collect wood? Or they could… She chuckled at the image of Kobb doing his mad rooster face with his…



Dave Higgins
Seven Stones

Speculative fiction author | Publisher | Book Reviewer | Cat Cushion