2020 at 730

Publishing in a Plague Year

Hayden Higgins
3 min readJan 6, 2021


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What to Do — Holiday Edition

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DC Abortion Fund because people are facing even more financial barriers to reproductive health care right now. Because someone you love has probably needed (or will need!) abortion care in their life. And because DCAF is matching donations til Dec. 31 so your help will go twice as far!

Legal Aid Justice Center is always fighting the good fight: they cover a lot of ground standing up for worker rights, pressuring state and federal officials to protect immigrants trapped in ICE detention centers, and providing critical services to rural farm labor camps. Help them do even more and donate what you can. — Nina

Food For All is currently serving more than 800 families in Mt. Pleasant each week at locations like Bancroft Elementary and the Woodner Apartments. Many of the federal and local relief programs that have been providing free food are starting to dry up, so they could use your donations to continue feeding our neighbors! — Gracie

So Others May Eat provides no-questions-asked hot meals, over 1000 per day, and fundamental services to anyone in need, ranging from medical, dental, career, and counseling support. When the need is so great and governmental aid so bureaucratic, supporting SOME lifts up our entire community. — Nazia

Martha’s Table strengthens community by offering services that focus on health and wellness, education, and family connections. 40 years strong, their programs provide a support system for our DC neighbors who need access to food, early childhood education, and resources for families to thrive. — Rachel

Casa Ruby is a bilingual 24-hour community space and resource center for DC’s LGBTQIA community. Located on Georgia Ave, Casa Ruby provides shelter, food, and other critical services for those experiencing homelessness, survivors of violence, and recent immigrants adjusting to the city. — Jessica

Mutual aid networks throughout the city have stepped into the breach this year, demonstrating that we can help one another directly. That we are riven from one another is lamentable, but not inevitable. — Hayden



Hayden Higgins

here goes nothing. hype @worldresources. about town @730_DC. links ninja @themorningnews. feisty @dcdivest.