Call for Submissions: 730DC zine edition

Help us make a print edition to share at DC Zinefest

Lily Strelich
2 min readMay 7, 2018



DC Zinefest isn’t until July 21, but we’re feeling ambitious this year —and we’re excited to collaborate with the folks behind La Horchata to produce a bilingual zine made up of reader submissions.

So we need your help — and thoughts and feelings and ideas and artwork. There’s 16,000 of you. That means 16,000 potential writers, artists, painters, poets, photographers, collage-makers and rule-breakers. Send us your words and pictures — we want to know what makes this place feel like home to you. Tell us who, what, why, how DC. Love notes and screeds. Photography and poetry. Collages, quizzes, calls to arms.

Whatever you can get down on paper, get it to us.

How to submit:

Scan and send to with the subject line ZINE SUBMISSION.

Deadline: JULY 13 (deadline extended cuz I wasn’t done with my contribution, either)

We’re thinking a 5x7 fold-and-staple type deal but we’re not fortunetellers. (Are you? Please advise.)

Yours truly, Lily + the 730 team

