Dispatches from 2120: Time Travel Edition

Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2020

I’m Xena Ni. I’m an artist. I run The Time Travel Agency, which does exactly what you might expect. I transport you to potential moments in your future life.

In 2020, my dear friend Gabrielle Newell is focused on mutual aid efforts and reimagining systems of care. For Dispatches from 2120, I invited her to travel one hundred years into her future with me.

We went to May 21, 2120. This is what she saw.


Story by Gabrielle Newell and Xena Ni
Art by Xena Ni

Many thanks to Hayden Higgens and Josh Kramer for inviting me to contribute my piece to Dispatches from 2120.

Interested in meeting your future self? Sign up with The Time Travel Agency.



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Artist / designer for the public good. Director of Design at alloy.us, helping the left win in 2020. Find my art at instagram.com/msknee.