Pubbed in DC: Podcasts

Or: Why I’m Smiling Like a Fool in Line at the Grocery Store

Colleen Shaffer
4 min readAug 25, 2017


Learning about linguistics through your headphones is, in my opinion, the best way to shop for frozen meals at Trader Joe’s. Just like listening to a science fiction short story is for sure the best way to do my laundry. And hearing experts discuss the news of the day and the state of the nation is the best way to walk to work.

I’ve been a podcast person for a long time now, since my cooler friends turned me on to them a few years ago. I may have gotten sucked in with “Serial”, but I quickly learned how much more there was out there. Podcasts have become a way for me to instantly be exposed to just about anything, to jump into an immersive learning experience that at times educates me about things I never knew existed or, at other times, puts into words feelings, hopes or doubts that I’ve had myself but didn’t know how to express.

At 730DC, we’re committed to always learning about our city and finding ways to get more connected to it and its people. Recently, we asked readers to recommend their favorite made-in-DC podcasts. Not the NPR ones — though don’t get me wrong, I sure do love those — but the independent ones, the ones made by a couple friends in their row house-cum-studio down the street. The ones that touch on our lives here in DC and speak to something particular about the history, culture and experience of this city. The ones that acknowledge the “Washington”/“DC” divide and choose the “DC” part.

Each of the podcasts listed here are about or produced in DC and, we think, will introduce you to voices, perspectives and opportunities in this city you might not have otherwise found. I’ve highlighted some of our favorites up top, but look through the full list and download some that speak to you. They’ll likely make your grocery store experience that much more enjoyable. Happy listening!

Our Top Picks:

  • Your Story Here: This atmospheric podcast from Goat Rodeo pulls together interviews with folks from all walks of life who live in the DC area. The host, Lizzie Peabody, has a poetic writing style and immersive sound editing that draws you into each person’s story and ties it all together around themes that get at the heart of what it means to be human and how we find meaning in our lives.
  • One Love Massive: What we love about this podcast is it’s really not just one. One Love Massive, the arts and music collective, showcases a variety of hosts and subject matters through it’s podcast, exploring facets of the DC music scene and discussing what it means to live in a fast-changing city. The episodes generally run as long-form single or panel interviews and are a great introduction to makers in the arts and music world and beyond.
  • Women of Uncertain Age: Not your typical love/dating podcast, this pod is hosted by Karen and Philippa (of Pink Line Project), whose easy, friendly banter on all things relationships goes far beyond Tinder tips and more into the realm of life wisdom. It’s a breath of fresh, feminist, friend-celebrating air in a mediascape that too often reinforces traditional gender and dating norms.
  • In Transit: We’re so down with how much this pod’s hosts, Ammarah and Jane, and their interviewees love the District and are actively engaged in understanding their part in this city and their communities. It’s a great way to hear other older and younger millennials’ perspectives on questions like home and belonging and self-fulfillment, and also to get inspiration about how to get more involved in this city.

More (More or Less) DC-Focused Pods:

  • DC Tech Stories — Hear about some of the great work being done in the tech scene to contribute to the city, bringing social change with every line of code
  • RIA Radio — Stay up to date about all the local business news coming out of Road Island Mainstreet and hear from leaders in the local small business scene
  • Talking Like a Jerk — Okay, this one isn’t always about DC, but this Random Nerds pod on music takes you into the minds of the local and national music world

Also || Square 1, You, Me, Them, Everybody, The Circus Life, DC Diary, Fly on the Wall, Under the Beltway, Goat Rodeo Variety Show, Dispatches, Hey Frase, The Ladycast

Made in DC, But Not About DC:

  • Babes of Science — It’s in the name, learn about powerful women in science that likely weren’t in your history books
  • Speaking Easy — A super listen-able podcast that will teach you all about home bartending and inspire you to try your hand at fancy cocktails
  • Leave a Message After the Tone — This playful podcast edits together listener voicemails on oddball topics for some real entertainment

Also || Failure, So We Met Online, Future Left, Bad Tweet, Sis, CurvAmerica, Across the Pond, Leadership Insights, My Peace Corps Story, Broke Girl’s Guide to Living, This American President, Applying to Everything, Sustainability Defined, With that being said…therapy is not a dirty word, The Takeout, BTLN, Business Boost

