Wear your freaky shorts, friends

We won’t hate you for your cargo shorts. But some of our readers might.

Hayden Higgins
2 min readAug 12, 2016


The votes are in — cargo shorts are WAY HOT!!!

Just kidding. But there was some grudging respect for the humble cargo short — thanks to the 264 of you who took the time to share your thoughts on this crucial but controversial piece of clothing.

Male and female readers seemed pretty equally invested in settling the Great Cargo Shorts Debate (so, apparently, are Attack Helicopters).

A respectable 16.5% of you currently own cargo shorts. Of that lucky minority, however, there wasn’t a lot of confidence: 80% of you don’t wear them around, and 8% do but are **not** proud of it.

And we can see why — respondents were pretty much split over whether cargo shorts are cool on the right person, not cool, or were never cool (which is indisputably false).

But luckily our readers are an open-minded bunch. Faced with our hypothetical test of whether they could look past a sweet pair of shorts and appreciate the wearer, a reassuring 62% of you generous souls were ready to give your crushes a second chance.

We can only assume that those practical short-wearers also find room in their heart — or one of their many pockets — for you.

This guy was in the Backstreet Boys and HE isn’t ashamed of his cargo pants, is he?

Let your freaks shorts fly, friends.

Words by Lily Strelich



Hayden Higgins

here goes nothing. hype @worldresources. about town @730_DC. links ninja @themorningnews. feisty @dcdivest.