Stitching past obsessions

sewn little stories


So, here’s the scoop — I may have let slip to a few friends about a teenage dream of mine: to be a fashion designer. Yet, here I am, neck-deep in the world of designing websites and apps 🙂. How did that happen? Well, it’s a story of youthful aspirations intersecting with practical realities, with a healthy dose of financial constraints thrown into the mix.

Simply put, I decided to study computer science because I like mathematics and Photoshop (ironically I don’t like both of them after studying CS). Add to that the allure of better odds at university acceptance and future job prospects, and voilà — computer science it was. Oh, and did I mention it was the only feasible option for my humble middle-class upbringing? Fashion school fees? As they say, “can not lah.”

Reflecting on that pivotal decision, I’m grateful to my younger self. Even though fate nudged me towards a different path, it’s opened up a world of opportunities to explore my true passions (while crying from time to time).

I once thought I wanted to be a fashion designer, but now I’m not so sure. I think I enjoy fashion in general — admiring well-dressed individuals, listening to passionate discussions, and witnessing the creation of clothes. I’m also intrigued by the sustainable fashion movement and appreciate influencers who educate responsibly. However, I dislike the exploitation of labor and the excessive waste generated by the fashion industry. Fast fashion and its pervasive influence frustrate me.

As time has passed, I’ve stumbled upon various unconventional roles within the fashion sphere that intrigue me. There is more to just designing and making clothes. It’s a diverse landscape, filled with opportunities for growth and exploration. I initially thought to sign up for a 2000 euro course in fashion and sustainability management but somehow it feels too early to commit to a huge investment like that in my current situation.

So, what’s the plan? I’ve come up with a simple checklist: Does it bring me joy? Is it relatively low-stress? Is it financially feasible? And most importantly, does it foster my growth and learning? Enter stage left: the humble blog.

Yep, this girl is embarking on a nerdy journey through the world of fashion blogging. No serious direction, this is just another casual personal blog. It’s a commitment I’m making to myself: a post a week, come rain or shine, short or long. Because why not, right?

