20 Things My Butt Thought During Our First Anal Sex Experience

Talking shit about my sex life

Kiki Wellington
Sex and Satire


Photo by Tharakorn on DepositPhotos

1. He wants us to do what?

2. He’s not that cute, tell him no!

3. You’re actually considering this?

4. I’m not agreeing to it!

5. Have you forgotten our recent bout of constipation?

6. Oh, good, you told him you’d have to think about it.

7. Are you serious? It only takes a little kissing and fingering for you to sell us out?

8. Are you really going to do this to me, Kiki?

9. What exactly do I get out of this transaction?

10. It doesn’t matter that you’re drunk, I’m not.

11. Maybe these farts will be a deterrent.

12. Oh, shit!

13. I tried to warn you it would hurt.

14. No, the lube is not helping.

15. Oh, please, don’t start moaning; it will just encourage him.

16. Ouch!

17. Is he really complaining that I didn’t give him an orgasm? When was the last time he satisfied Miss V upstairs?

