20 Thoughts I Had During Horrible Sex

If I kill him for this, I bet a real jury of my peers would acquit me.

Kiki Wellington
Sex and Satire


Photo by Roman Odintsov on Pexels

1. Has the sex started yet?

2. No, really, has it started yet?

3. I wonder how many tiles there are in that ceiling.

4. He really did eat too much at dinner, he feels a bit heavier than usual.

5. Who is going to tell him that he doesn’t really need those Magnum condoms?

6. Damn, I need a manicure.

7. Horrible dirty talk begins in 5, 4, 3….

8. Cue the moaning so I don’t have to have an hour-long interrogation about whether or not I enjoyed this.

9. I could probably go for a pedicure too.

10. If I kill him for this terrible sex, I bet a real jury of my peers would acquit me.

11. I’m already planning my post-trial press conference with Gloria Allred.

12. For someone who claims to have such a high body count, he really hasn’t learned a fucking thing about fucking.

13. What should I make for dinner tomorrow night?

14. God, can we wrap this shit up already?

