A Lesson in Domination

Hush, little Pet and pay attention…

Jupiter Grant
Sex and Satire


Photo by Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash

Hush ye now, my little pet,

And do not make a sound

I’ll leave your mouth without the gag

Though your arms and legs are bound.

But you must pledge to hold your tongue,

Be sure to keep your silence

For if you don’t, I’ll whip your flesh

With such delicious violence.

If you cannot contain yourself,

Your self-control too weak,

Then I will have to gag your mouth

To ensure you do not speak.

Then next, I’d have to tighten up

These ropes made out of jute.

My crop to streak your pale skin red

And bruise your buttocks, cute.

So little pet, behave yourself

While I teach you a lesson

About how thin the line can be

‘tween passion and aggression…

Jupiter Grant is a self-published author, blogger, narrator and audiobook producer.

Enquiries and comments are always welcome. You can also find me on Twitter @GrantJupiter



Jupiter Grant
Sex and Satire

Writer, Poet, Narrator, Freelancer. Living in UK & my own head. Send queries here: jupiterslair@gmail.com. Buy me a coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/jupitergrant