A Painful Break-Up Letter to My #1 Favorite Porn Star

Love comes and goes but we’ll always have those 3 minutes

Alexander J. Porter
Sex and Satire


Image B Ban via Pixabay

Dear highly flexible and very vocal,

I’m sorry I don’t know your name yet. It wasn’t in the title of the video. I would have searched for it but my browser doesn’t auto fill on incognito mode and it’s a huge pain to navigate from PornHub to Google.

I want you to know this was a hard decision. A very, very, very hard decision. Then, roughly 3 minutes later, it was a much softer decision, flaccid even.

But I can’t continue with this relationship any longer.

I understand matters of the heart can be painful, though your tolerance for pain seems exceptional based on the type of sex you were having. I didn’t know that much of “it” could fit that far up “there” and I commend you.

But it’s time we went our separate ways.

When a break up occurs it’s natural to wonder “could I have done anything different?” and I promise you this decision comes down to me and me alone. I’m just not ready for the type of commitment that’s needed to watch more than one of your well-produced and sound-appropriate videos.



Alexander J. Porter
Sex and Satire

I am a scarecrow brought to life by the power of anxiety—also a writer and leukemia survivor. I give 10% of my 'claps' and 'comments' to charity.