Become a Writer for Sex and Satire

Ms. Part Time Wino
Sex and Satire
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2020


*updated September 24th, 2020*

Sex and Satire combines two of the world’s greatest gifts: making love and making people laugh.

We’re looking for top-notch writers to join our team (aka me) of sex addicts, masturbators, saddos, and overall funny people. If you think you fit the bill, then Sex and Satire wants to hear from you.

What we’re looking for:

Be funny for fuck’s sake. If your article cannot be tagged with the words satire or humor, then it probably won’t be a good fit for us.

It doesn’t matter how many followers you have or how many “top writer” titles you have earned. We are just looking for quality laughs. And please make sure it somehow relates to sex, dating, love, relationships, boners, queefing, wet dreams, etc. You get the idea.

Interested? Please email with a link to your unpublished draft and your Medium username. While unpublished drafts are preferred, published articles will be considered if they are exceptionally hilarious.

In addition, please make sure your article fits the following guidelines:

  • Edited for grammar, spelling, and overall nonsensical bullshit
  • Includes a featured image with a credited source



Ms. Part Time Wino
Sex and Satire

first of her name. writer of nonsense. queen of drinking wine.