Getting Used To My New Dick

Incredibly, it has morphed recently!

William Mersey
Sex and Satire
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2022


Photo by Mwenda Mugambi from Pexels

Once upon a time, I thought that once you reached the age of 18, a guy’s dick had pretty much established its size and shape for the duration. Yeah, guys sometimes take silly pills or attach pulleys or suction pumps to their junk in a vain attempt to enlarge their units. And some even go under the knife to actually accomplish the mission — though I assume nobody who glimpses a surgically enlarged penis is fooled.

So anyway, I have a confession to make. Sometime about a year or two ago, I woke up one morning to notice that my AM chubby had a curve to it. For 69 years, I had a straight-arrow dick. Having seen pornography featuring men with significantly curved junk, I felt blessed with my straightness. It seemed like that “bender” wouldn’t be to a woman’s liking. And I’ve read a few articles by women which supported that theory.

I dismissed the observation of my morning semi-erection as “just my ‘magination.” But alas, it was not my imagination. Over time, I came to realize that my dick was actually changing shape!

Off to Google I went to research the phenomenon and what I found supported what I was experiencing. Old guys’ dicks do change…



William Mersey
Sex and Satire

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."