I Calculated The Magical Number Of People For An Orgy

Math class definitely would’ve been more interesting with this as a problem to solve

Brandon Rose
Sex and Satire


Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash.

The two unavoidable things in vanilla life are death and taxes. The two unavoidable things for us nonmonogamists are dissecting your communication (a personal favorite) and arguing over definitions of terminology. Few people will 100% agree on what certain words or phrases mean to them. Defining terms is an academic exercise that helps us more clearly identify where we’re at in the world and the ways we relate to others. It creates codewords we can use to identify each other. The definitions and labels we create, adopt, and especially debate help us to understand not only ourselves but the variety of ways in which we can interact.

Peruse any Reddit sub, popular tweet thread, or sex-focused publication here on Medium and you’re bound to find people jockeying over not just what things mean, but also what things do NOT mean. You’ll find polyamorous folx sparring with swingers over couple’s privilege and unicorn hunting. BDSM proponents arguing with vanillas about scene negotiation and consent. Relationship anarchists laughing at all the problems people heap on themselves to fit in a hetero-monogamous world. All the while, a certain segment of society tells us all we’re going to some magical…



Brandon Rose
Sex and Satire

Writing about life, relationships, business, and personal development to wring the most out of our time on this spinning blue marble.