The First Time I Peed on My Girlfriend, I Shocked Her

Now she asks for me to pee on her on the regular

Mister Vinnie
Sex and Satire
5 min readJun 22, 2020


Photo by Chris Curry on Unsplash

Princess and I hadn’t dated long, less than a month. But we were well-suited for each other, sharing similar kinks and an interest in all things BDSM.

Princess and I are an age-gap couple. Thirty+ years separate us (another story for another time) and we were still feeling each other out. But we were riding the NRE (New Relationship Energy) high of a new relationship. We met at a kink event and both of us were into each other. The age gap somehow made it hotter. She was new and exploring, and I was a kinky veteran of more than 25 years.

I had recently moved into a two-bedroom condo, which I shared with a kinkster. Z- was 24, a short Navy girl with boundless energy and enthusiasm who was into aerial acrobatics, bondage, exhibitionism, and amputee porn. In other words, my kind of friend and roommate. The tri-level condo had a garage and washer/dryer in the basement, a living room, kitchen, half-bath and balcony and front door on the second level, and two bedrooms on the 3rd level, one with a large balcony, each with their own private bathroom.

The Negotiation

Before our first play session, I had her fill out a negotiation checklist, went over simple rules like “red” means “stop” and “yellow” means “pause” and “green” means “keep doing that kinky thing you’re doing!” or “more more more!”

On her negotiation checklist, there is one category for those things someone doesn’t ever want to do. The category is: Absolutely Not: I will call the authorities on you! And most people put similar things on that list, the usual suspects: no child porn, bestiality, scat, blood” — basically no kids, animals, shit, or blood. She also said “no” to urine.

The Set Up

Part of my role as an experienced kinkster in this remarkable world is to make sure novice kinksters don’t block off any avenues to pleasure for things they haven’t tried before.

It’s often like arguing with kids to try foods they haven’t ever tried before but that they declare “yucky” before even tasting it.

You’ll never know if you like it if you don’t try it.

The sadistic Dom in me also likes opening up avenues to push other people’s buttons.

I asked her if she had ever peed in the shower. I asked her if anyone else had ever peed on her.

Someone had, she said. In the shower. Meh. It was lame.

But did you die?

No, she hadn’t died. She revised the negotiation list and changed several “Absolute nots” to “I don’t like this, but will do it for you.” Included on the change was pee play. Yesss!

My role as an experienced kinkster in a situation like this is two-fold: 1) get my own sadistic jollies, duh, and 2) push the boundaries of my partner so they can gain experience. It’s win-win for everyone involved. Later on, we can sort out if they like it or not.

The Daddy Dom Sets a Plan in Motion

I rubbed my hands together with maniacal glee: Muhahahaha! I set to work on the plans. This would be so easy and so much fun.

Z- often walked around naked, trim and fit and bouncy and bubbly, and she liked to surprise me with her camera and ask me to take pictures of her. She did so once when Princess was around. I asked Princess if that made her uncomfortable. Nooo it’s cool, she said, as I saw her wipe away a slight blush. She was a willing witness to this exhibitionism, just a bit shy.

Daddy Makes His Move

One day, I made my move. I sent her to the basement with a load of clothes for the washing machine. I gave her a towel and with disappointment dripping from my voice, I told her to strip off her clothes and lay the towel out and kneel and wait for me. The basement garage was smooth, cool, sealed cement.

I’m sure the anxiety monster started waving its tentacles at her. Her eyes grew wide and I thought I saw some moisture. I know she thought to herself, “what did I do wrong?” And I let her believe what she wanted.

Z- was hanging out in the living room. Perfect. I made Princess wait about 5 minutes and then went to the basement. I turned the light off at the switch. There was a little light filtering through the garage door, enough for me to see where she was and to aim.

She sat perfectly, on her heels with her hands on her thighs, just as she was taught.

“Close your eyes, and open your mouth,” I barked.

I purposely unzipped my pants as loudly as I could, and I peed without hesitation. I peed all over her chest, avoiding her mouth (we could work up to such things). When I was done, I zipped up and turned on the light.

She looked shock, mostly, but she also smiled with a “what the fuck” look on her face, mostly because she was soaked in pee and didn’t know what to do. The pee had flowed down her chest to her stomach and legs and onto the towel. There wasn’t enough to completely soak the towel.

“Okay, use the towel to wipe up the splash zone and go upstairs and shower.”

She did so and then covered up her body with the towel to make her way up two flights of stairs to my bedroom.

“Okay,” she said, still in mild shock. I stood at the first landing for the stairs. As she passed me by, I grabbed the towel from her. I yelled upstairs, “Hey Z-, ask Princess what just happened to her.”

A Kinkster’s Paradise: Pee Play and Exhibitionism All in One Day

There was nowhere for her to hide. She had to pass through the living room to get to the stairs to my room.

I followed Princess up the stairs to make sure she gave an accurate account. She had to parade her pee-soaked body through the house.

“What happened to you, Princess?” Z- said from the couch.

“Daddy just peed on me for no reason whatsoever!” Her voice was tensed and higher pitched, the complaining tone submissives get when they’ve been taken advantage of. Both shy and proud at the same time.

“All right! Way to go, kinky Princess,” encouraged Z-.

Playing High-Low

Later that day, I introduced Princess to a game I play whenever I do kinky stuff. It’s called high-low. It’s basically an evaluation of a BDSM scene. Each person involved expressed the one thing they liked best about the scene, and the one thing they liked least (or that could be improved) about the scene.

During high-low, Princess, always shy to express her own wants and desires, said, “So if you want to pee on me again, that would be okay.”

“I’ll probably pee in your mouth, next time,” I said, purposely pushing her buttons.

Her eyes grew wide. “Oh my god!” she said. “As you wish, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”

Princess has definitely become a pee slut. And our kinky little world is that much wider . . . and wetter for it.

Mister Vinnie is a cismale, sex-positive, pansexual, polyamorish, Dominant, leatherman with 27 years experience in the leather community. He edits the sex blog, EDGEPLAY.



Mister Vinnie
Sex and Satire

Vinnie is a cismale, sex positive, pansexual, polyamorish, dominant, leatherman with 27 years experience in the leather community. And he writes.