My first doubts about intercourse.

Binumon Panicker
Sex Chronology
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2019
Photo by Lightscape on Unsplash

When I was in high school, there was no television in my home and neighboring. Books and magazines were available to us from the library. I used to read the magazine subscribed to my mother. In which there was a column discussing questions and answers by a doctor. In such columns some times there were questions regarding the size of breasts and shape and thickness of the penis. I wonder why women worrying about their small breasts and some gents are bothering about the shape of their penis. Some questions were about hymen such as “is it possible to identify a broken hymen?, Is it possible to reinstate a broken hymen to its original form?. Some about pregnancy, abortion, premature ejaculation, intercourse, and masturbation. I used to read the answers carefully, but could not able to understand the ideas in the correct sense.

The words such as hymen, ejaculation, abortion, masturbation were new to me. There was no medium for me to discuss the matters. I took a dictionary and try to find the words. But the problem was that these words were in regional language and I didn’t know the corresponding English words!. The regional language dictionary was not available to me and I had to wait for the next issue of the magazine for further clarification.

In one question, the questioner worried about unplanned intercourse and want to know about the possibility of pregnancy. That gave me the idea that pregnancy occurs when a man and woman began to live together. I correlate this with my pregnant cousin who got married a few months earlier. I observed that when they come to our house after marriage, my parents treat them in a special manner. Before her marriage, whenever she visited our house, she used to sleep in my bed along with me. At that time, she used to tell horror stories that haunted me for the next few days. On that day mother allotted my room to them and I had to sleep in the living room. Since my bed got changed, I had to wait for my sleep. In the darkness, I could hear some kind of unusual sounds from my room and I thought that my cousin began to terrifying her husband by narrating a new horror story!.

In my friend circle, everybody had some kind of doubts regarding man-woman relations. One of my friends told us that the penis is inserting to a spot in a woman’s pubic area. He correlates this with the act of mating goats. After this, I closely observed a mating pair of goats. I found that a stick-like object is emerging from the urinal area of a male goat and he is inserting the same to the anus area of a female goat. After the act when he jumps down, it was possible to view the flow of some kind of liquid from his organ. I appreciate the observing power of my friend.

That night I thought about the act of intercourse between human beings. How they perform this? Are they became naked at that time? Is it possible to insert a penis into another person? If it is true, where the spot located? A number of questions passed through my mind and my penis began to erect and became double the size. I took it out of my shorts, touch it, and feel the hardness and I felt that in this hardness, a penis could penetrate to a soft region. Where is the correct spot?, Is it easy?. Is it hurts? then what will happen? , how pregnancy occurs?. These were some genuine doubts to be clarified for me and I understood that I had to find the answers myself. Slowly I fell asleep and in the morning I found that my short was wet with a sticky liquid!.



Binumon Panicker
Sex Chronology

Likes to share some thoughts and experiences on human sexuality, which may be useful to someone.