3 Tips for Excelling in Your Studies at Sex Coach U

Jacee Niblett
Sex Matters Magazine by Sex Coach U
6 min readJul 22, 2022

The Core Certified Sex Coach™ Training program offered by Sex Coach U is a comprehensive, self-paced education — giving you the knowledge and skills you need to be a competent and successful coach in the field of sexuality. You learn the “what” of sexology as well as the “how” of coaching and then you learn to put it together and guide clients through their own transformation.

Speaking of transformation — you get to experience it firsthand. The program goes deeper than just ingesting and regurgitating information. You apply it to your own life and experiences. You shift and grow as a sexual being yourself, and experience that growth on many levels as you move through the modules.

If you’re an academic like I am, you might experience difficulty as you adjust to the way the material is delivered and the way you take it in and integrate it. The Sex Coach U approach is different from more traditional schooling, and you need to adjust your approach to excel in it.

You might struggle with time management and how to fit your studies into your schedule.

You might experience some overwhelm or imposter syndrome as you embark on a new career path.

But one of the wonderful things about SCU is that no matter what pops up as an obstacle on your learning journey, you’re never alone and you can always find help along the way.

I am personally coming up on the completion of the program and would love to share some tips that I have picked up along the way. Everyone’s experience will be different and unique, but hopefully, you can pick and choose from mine, and find some helpful tips to apply to your journey!

Tip #1 for studying at Sex Coach U — Check Your Approach

Over the course of my studies with Sex Coach U, I was simultaneously working through a Bachelor’s degree at a university in my area. I spent half the day taking math classes and writing research papers, and the other half of the day watching educational erotica and developing action plans for hypothetical clients who were experiencing erectile or orgasm difficulties.

The stark contrast in the content I was learning about wasn’t what stuck out to me, though. What really made me curious was the difference in how I approached the information and assignments. At school, I was “working” for the reward of a good grade. I would follow the strict rubric that accompanied the assignment and be motivated by the prospect of doing well and getting an A+. At SCU, the assignments were more of an emotional process. They were deeper. I regularly had my mind blown and was encouraged to integrate the information and my new perspectives into my own life.

I didn’t have a teacher telling me if I performed correctly; instead, I sat with the information and went down beautiful rabbit holes in my mind about how it could positively impact the world. I journaled about my feelings surrounding the various topics and creatively came up with ideas about how to apply them to my future clients.

At first, it was a bit of a struggle. My conditioned mind wanted the validation of a good grade and to get all the answers right. But after some time, I experienced a shift and changed my mindset. I began approaching my SCU studies from a broader awareness. I began talking to my friends about what I was learning, in an organic and “real life” way. I began working with my intuition and writing from my heart.

I realized that these studies differed from my math homework in that they were more than cerebral topics. The information that I was learning was applicable to my life, both somatic and holistic. I realized I needed to approach it accordingly!

This program touches you in a lot of ways, and so my first tip is to prepare yourself for the shifts you will experience, ride the waves, and deeply feel into the ways that what you’re learning about can change you.

Approach your studies in an open way, allowing them to take you on your own personal journey.

Tip #2 — Manage Your Time Well

There are so many benefits to a self-paced program like the one offered at SCU. You get to work through the material at your own pace, and really tailor it to your needs. You also get to work around your existing schedules involving work, family, and self care. This is huge, and makes the workload so much more accessible.

On the flip side, however, it can sometimes be difficult to actually fit it in!

When you’re a full-time parent running an entire household, or working full time to pay the bills, it can be a struggle to find the time. It’s not impossible, though, and sometimes you just need some clever tools.

Time management is something to really consider from the very beginning. It looks different for everyone, and the key is to find something that works for you.

SCU students have found so many creative ways to plan and schedule out their studies. Some students use a Trello board to organize the work, some dedicate their weekends to studying, and some work out a consistent schedule with their study-buddy.

That’s the beauty of a self-led program-there are so many different options and you get to choose!

Personally, I recommend scheduling a consistent block of time each week that is dedicated to your studies. Maybe that looks like 3 hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Maybe it looks like 1 hour, 5 days a week. However you can work it out, put it in your calendar and stick to it.

When you prematurely block out time, you’re more likely to commit to it and less likely to feel guilty about postponing the other items on your to-do list. And when it’s the same every day, or every week, it becomes easier and easier to come back to the work and stay consistent.

Another cool option is the Pomodoro method which involves a cycle of 25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of reward, and repeat. This can be really helpful if you struggle with focus or overwhelm because it allows you to hyperfocus for a predetermined amount of time. You get to focus on one thing at a time and break up the work into smaller chunks.

As a student at SCU, you have access to so many different resources that address time management. You’re never alone during this process!

Speaking of resources…

Tip #3 — Take Advantage of Extra Curriculum

The student resources offered at SCU are one of the many things that set it apart from other organizations. The education from the program itself is amazing on its own, but the extra goodies we get as students are the icing on the cake. They add so much value to your time as a student, and they enhance your professional career, as well.

When I first began my studies, I put off the Zoom calls and extracurricular activities because I was hyper-focused on getting through the modules. But I quickly realized what I was missing out on and decided to make more of an effort to get involved with the community. I’m so glad I did!

As a student at SCU, you get access to twice-monthly webinars with amazing guest speakers that deliver HIGH-VALUE information and content. It’s so enriching to learn about contemporary topics such as mindful sex, consent and negotiation, business and marketing, and so much more.

You also get access to multiple types of group calls with the faculty each month to support you through your studies and building your business. These have been monumental for me in giving me the opportunity to connect with my peers and get targeted help through my journey.

There’s also a book club where you can dive deep into various sexology and business topics with people who are just as obsessed with these things as you are!

The best student resource, however, is the student and graduate community! There are so many ways to connect, support one another, get questions answered, share your joys and challenges, pass along good information or your own insights, and more. At any time you might feel the sting of isolation or confusion around a topic-the community is right there to hold you up. For adult learners who may fear remote or self-paced learning, the community is a beacon of light, illuminating your path and reminding you that you’re not alone on this journey.

All of these resources add so much to the experience and enrich your journey as a student and beyond. Don’t miss out, make it a point to attend these calls and participate in the FB group to get the most out of your time with SCU!

Students, what else would you add to this list? Is there a hack you’ve found helpful for your studies? Let us know!

Originally published at https://sexcoachu.com on July 22, 2022.

