How My Viral Rant Video Could Lead to a Surge of New Clients

Kincaid McMinn
Sex Matters Magazine by Sex Coach U
3 min readAug 17, 2021

What do you think about sex coaches going viral on social media? We all know, to have a successful sex coaching practice, we need to be promoting ourselves. For most people, a logical and easy way to start is to get on a variety of social media platforms. Even there, it can be tough to get the word out about who we are and what we have to offer.

However, if you can get something to go viral, suddenly the world can open up. When thousands of people can see the authentic you and hear your unique message in your own voice (whether spoken or typed), you may suddenly find yourself flooded with followers.

Targeting a Smaller Niche Has Led to More Views on TikTok

About 2 months ago, after dragging my feet on it and looking over my Partner’s shoulder for two years, I finally decided to download TikTok onto my own phone and open an account.

I put out a few videos talking about random sex-positive topics. Each got between 100–300 views.

Then about a month ago, after dragging my feet on it for an even longer period of time, I finally decided to do what EVERY expert in the world recommends, and started putting out content aimed at a smaller niche.

For me, that is Men’s dating strategies: specifically, pointing out the ways they can be harmful, and offering sex-positive alternatives.

I noticed an almost immediate improvement, with occasional videos getting 1,500–1,900 views.

Pretty good. I was getting somewhere.

Then Saturday night, I decided to put out this video.

Going Viral as My Authentic Self

I didn’t think much of it. It was just me doing an ad-libbed response to someone else’s video , and it references a previous video of mine in which I outline a chief complaint with one particular “Dating Tip” shared in Men’s circles. It wasn’t pre-scripted and wasn’t aimed at building my brand in a super-intentional way.

But clearly, it hit a nerve.

Sunday evening during dinner, I noticed my video was gaining some traction, between 2–4K views.

By the time I am typing this on Monday, that video has over 135K views, over 1,200 comments, and over 200 shares.

To be honest, I am shocked.

I want to respond to each and every single person, make a whole 1,200 video responses to say thank you. But that’s not possible, so I will weather this wave, and hopefully use it to propel myself into a higher level of business. I’ve never had this level of engagement on any other social media app.

Find the Right Platform for Your Style & Personality

But this is not an endorsement of TikTok, and that is not the key to this story. The key is that I found a platform that works for ME. I am a frenetic speaker that has trouble typing or making visuals, so this app works better for my style of communication than FB, Twitter, or Instagram. Everything else always felt laborious.

Find what works for YOU, how YOU communicate best, and posting and promoting won’t feel like a chore anymore.

Will Going Viral Lead to New Clients?

It is wild to think that this could be a launching point if I play my cards right.

Up until today, I had a website, but didn’t have an about section or a proper contact form/page, and didn’t have an email list/Newsletter Signup either. I was scared of the publicity and responsibility that would come with it.

But I do now. Now that the publicity is here, I have to make sure I can handle that responsibility and make a change in people’s lives like I always say I want to.

I’m so excited to see how my viral rant might lead to new clients. We are all drawn to this work for a reason. We all have a message to share and a way to best share it.

What social media platforms have you tried? Have you gone viral with any of your posts? If so, how did that affect your business? I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts and experiences!

Originally published at on August 17, 2021.

