How Sexuality Professionals Can Learn to Overcome Stigma for Marketing Success

Jordan Vecchio
Sex Matters Magazine by Sex Coach U
4 min readOct 6, 2023
a person stands with arms crossed smiling at the camera, with a team of people working behind them while overcoming social stigma associated with sex in business
Photo by fauxels:

Specialists in sexual wellness may encounter challenges that are distinct from those faced by other health and wellness professionals. One of the unique obstacles you may face as a sexuality professional is overcoming social stigma associated with sex in business in promotion and marketing.

Effective marketing in this situation calls for an approach that acknowledges people’s sensitivities while remaining focused on reaching and serving those who are interested in your services.

Overcoming the Social Stigma Associated With Sex In Business

As an expert in sexuality, it’s crucial to acknowledge the negative attitudes surrounding sex and continue working toward breaking them down. Although progress has been made, largely thanks to the work of our community of coaches, educators, and advocates, sex remains a taboo topic in today’s world.

In this climate, it can be tough to put yourself out there. However, overcoming the stigma is essential for successfully marketing your business so you can reach those who would benefit from your services.

It’s important to remember that your audience may have differing opinions on sex, and it can be a sensitive topic for many. Creating a safe space for them to engage with you and your business can build trust and make your services more accessible. So how do you do that?

To successfully market against the stigma, it’s essential to take time to self-reflect, consider your goals, and take purposeful steps toward your objectives.

Ask Yourself These Questions to Set Yourself Up for Success

It’s easier to overcome the sex stigma in marketing when you feel secure in your role as a sexuality professional and the leader of your business. Use these questions to help you feel prepared to market your services.

How can you embrace your role as a sexuality professional?

Accept yourself fully, knowing that not everyone will approve of your work, your message, or your marketing activities. There are plenty of people who appreciate you and will benefit from your work.

How can you cultivate emotional resilience?

Establish a network of sex-positive people on whom you can rely for moral support and encouragement. Practice self-care and set boundaries to optimize your time, energy, and other precious resources. Learn more about developing emotional resilience here.

Self-care practices are absolutely essential when you’re facing situations that feel scary or cause you anxiety. And marketing has that effect on a lot of people. Check out this article we wrote during the early days of the pandemic that has some timeless guidance on how to care for your emotional self.

What is your personal narrative and brand story?

Telling your story can be a powerful way for people to connect with you and an effective way to dismantle any misconceptions about your motivation. This humanizes your work and makes your vision and mission clear.

What is your next level of professional development?

Invest in yourself by keeping up with the latest sexology research and taking advantage of any opportunities for continuing education. Knowing your stuff can boost your confidence and help put potential clients at ease when engaging with your business.

Marketing Tips For Stigma-Resistant Marketing as a Sex Professional

Our community of sexuality specialists is wonderfully diverse so marketing is not one size fits all. Keep your unique vision, mission, and goals in mind when you implement these marketing tips.

Connect to Build Resistance Against Stigma

Collaborate and network with other sexual wellness professionals whose work compliments your work. Learn from each other. Get in front of each other’s audience. Inspire each other to expand. And, when appropriate, endorse each other’s work. Good connections can boost credibility and visibility with an audience of people who are ready to sign up for your newsletter or sign up for your VIP coaching package.

Focus Your Message on Your People

Identify your target audience and address their specific desires and needs. Don’t worry about people who may not understand or relate to your message. Develop a marketing strategy that caters to your ideal client. Communicate clearly about your services to help normalize conversations surrounding sexual wellness for them. Use humor if it suits your audience because sometimes sex is funny, and balance it with seriousness when appropriate.

Leverage Content Marketing

Blogs, podcasts, and videos are opportunities to spread the word about your services while providing sex education. Your authentic voice is part of your unique value proposition and a magnet for your clients so let it shine through in your content. Include case studies and testimonials in your content to showcase the impact you have on your clients and help your audience envision what it’s actually like working with you.

Marketing in a field that is often considered taboo can be challenging. And as a successful sexuality entrepreneur, you can and must do it. Remember that every person you reach has the potential to become more informed and empowered about their sexual health because of your outreach. By simply showing up to market your business, you are contributing to a more sex-positive society.

Curious about training to become a Certified Sex Coach™? We invite you to join our Sex Coaching in Action webinar to meet the Sex Coach U team and participate in a live Q&A.

Originally published at on October 6, 2023.

