How To Use Networking and Collaboration as a Client Attraction Strategy

Jordan Vecchio
Sex Matters Magazine by Sex Coach U
4 min readAug 25, 2023
a woman in a white blouse looks at an open laptop while holding a business card in her hand, virtually networking to benefit her client attraction strategy
Photo by cottonbro studio

As a sexuality specialist, you can benefit greatly from networking and collaborating in a supportive and encouraging community. When you are expanding your business, it’s essential to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for promoting sexual freedom and wellness. It’s also important for your client attraction strategy. By building relationships with sex-positive people, you can grow both personally and professionally — and attract more clients.

The Importance of Networking and Collaborations for Your Client Attraction Strategy

Networking and collaborations with individuals who share similar interests can have numerous advantages. You probably know from experience that networking can boost morale and lead to new friendships.

For sexuality specialists, it is particularly important to establish relationships with peers in order to seek guidance and advice on topics outside of your own expertise. This can help broaden your skill set and knowledge base.

Did you also know about these two ways that networking and collaborating can be strategies for attracting clients?

Develop reciprocal referrals. When you are connected to sexuality specialist peers, you have a network of qualified practitioners to whom you can refer patients for services that may fall outside of your area of expertise. Conversely, your network of specialists will likely refer clients to you, as well.

Get in front of their audience. Collaborations with other sexuality specialists can provide opportunities to raise your profile and increase your visibility as an expert to a wider audience. This means new eyes on your message and your services.

So where do you network with other sexuality specialists, and what can you do to make sure your collaboration is a success so that you can attract more clients to your business?

Raise Your Profile on Professional Networks

Various professional networks, alumni associations, and professional groups exist where you can find and connect with other sexuality specialists.

When you join a particular network, you can usually assume that others share similar guiding principles. Often, screening processes are in place to ensure that only qualified individuals are part of the network. Additionally, the networks usually feature a searchable database that allows you to find professionals nationwide or in your hometown who meet your clients’ referral needs based on their training, experience, and credentials.

To make the most out of these networks, keep your profile up to date and get involved if this is where you want to meet other professionals.

Using Social Platforms for Networking and Collaborations

You’re already spending time on multiple social media platforms posting content relevant to your ideal client niche, so why not collaborate and network with other sexuality specialists on social media?

By strategically networking and collaborating with other sexuality specialists, you can promote your message across multiple social media platforms and to new audiences.

The more visible you are, the higher the likelihood that people will follow you on social media, click through to your website, and sign up for your newsletter. Or maybe they recognize your service as their ideal solution and purchase your premium offerings right away.

How to Network and Collaborate Effectively as a Sexuality Specialist

two hands embrace in a handshake after networking to benefit their client attraction strategy
Photo by RDNE Stock project

As with building relationships with your audience, establishing the Know-Like-Trust Factor is an absolute must for successful networking and collaborations with sexuality specialist peers. We are more inclined to buy from and work with people who we feel like we know, people who are in alignment with us, and people that seem trustworthy.

You know what to do. Be authentic, listen actively, and strive to add value to the conversation. Take a genuine interest in their work and see if there are any opportunities to collaborate. Identify where your work overlaps and enjoy each other’s company. Mutual benefit and ongoing communication are essential for a successful collaboration. Consider opportunities to get in front of each other’s online and in-person audiences.

As a sexuality specialist, it’s vital to engage with other experts in your field on social media, just like you would with your target audience. Doing this will help you grow your network of connections with fellow sexuality experts and keep in touch with those you already know, whether online or IRL.

Tips for Making Connections Count

When you are networking and collaborating:

  • Keep in touch with people you meet.
  • Follow up with them soon after your meeting.
  • Ask about their current projects.
  • If they invite you to their events, make an effort to attend.
  • Invite them to your events as well.
  • Make it easy for them to refer clients or patients to you by providing business cards, QR codes, or other materials.
  • Give them credit if they teach you something new, and you incorporate it into your work.
  • Consider promoting their events and services to your audience.
  • Ask them to consider promoting your events and services to their audience.
  • As with any relationship, maintain your boundaries.
  • Remember to engage with their social media content by liking, commenting, and subscribing.
  • Approach networking and collaboration with an abundance mindset.

To succeed as a sexuality specialist, you must establish a supportive network of professionals in the field. Collaboration and networking are powerful tools that can help you expand your practice and attract more clients. By nurturing strong connections with other experts in sexuality and related fields, you can broaden your client base, elevate your practice, and spread the word of sexual freedom and wellness.

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Originally published at on August 25, 2023.

