Parents Have Sexual Concerns; Here’s How You Can Help Them

Jacee Niblett
Sex Matters Magazine by Sex Coach U
4 min readOct 14, 2022
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Becoming a parent changes so much about your life and your circumstances, including your sexual expression and experiences. Sex coaches often work with parents who are struggling with their sex life during pregnancy and after the birth of their children. There’s a broad spectrum of topics related to parenting that can be addressed in a sex coaching session, including the experience of pregnancy, postpartum, managing your new life as a parent with a baby, finding time for self care while taking care of a household, the list could go on.

Sex doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and if you’re familiar with the holistic model taught at SCU called MEBES™ — you know that sexual concerns can be impacted by all areas of our life including mental, emotional, physical, energetic, and spiritual. Sex coaching addresses all of these areas and works to dissolve the blockages that exist in any of them. Parenting issues related to sex also span all of these realms and at each phase of their development as parents, clients will have different needs. This article is a great overview of sex coaching and parenting!

Sex Coaching & Postpartum

New mothers face specific challenges, stigmas, social pressure, and expectations and it’s important to take these issues into account when working with them as their sex coach. In this article, SCU Student Advisor and Certified Sex Coach Julia Satterlee gives 3 key points to consider when working with postpartum mothers.

For example, Satterlee describes the immense time and energy constraints on moms that make it difficult or impossible to complete long or strenuous home assignments. She also describes the way that new parents often feel a sense of hopelessness in their struggles, because they’ve been taught “it’s just how it is as a parent.” Sex coaches might also address a new mom’s unrealistic expectations of performance in all the areas of her life.

Check out the full article to learn about how exactly sex coaching addresses these parenting blocks!

Sex Positive Conversations as a Parent

Sex talks can be awkward, uncomfortable or overwhelming for some parents, but it doesn’t have to be that way forever. In this article , SCU Curriculum Director and Certified Sex Coach Dr. Celina Criss discusses how parents can have positive conversations with their children.

As sex coaches, we can empower our clients to speak honestly with their kids and allow sex to be an easy and ongoing conversation. By practicing self awareness, understanding and communicating your own values, and having ongoing conversations — talking about sex can be easy and empowering.

Read the full article to learn about how your clients can have these positive conversations!

Navigating Puberty as Sex Positive Parents

Parents of teens and tweens face their own set of rewards and challenges-and when it comes to sex, they might struggle with age-appropriate conversations or information. There is so much rapid change happening in kids during this time, and parents might find it difficult to keep up!

Sex coaches have a unique skill set when it comes to navigating this period, and so we are well equipped to help our clients practice sex positivity with their own teenagers. In this article , Dr. Celina Criss talks about what parents can do to help their teen navigate these rocky seas, such as teaching them about self care, helping them name their feelings, and of course — listening. She discusses how essential it is to communicate and how practicing compassion is the ultimate lesson.

Read the full article for more ways sex coaches can help parents struggling with their teen.

Parenting as a Sex Coach

Because we live in a largely sex-negative world — discussing what we do for work as sex coaches to strangers can be nerve-wracking. But what about the specific edge that comes with talking to your own kids about it? What do you say when your young child asks about your job? Julia Satterlee has some tips! In this article, she discusses this very topic and how to move past the fear and stigma, and give them an age-appropriate answer. She talks about identifying your fear, figuring out what your kids really want to know, and how to tie in a general conversation about sex into the mix.

Read the full article to learn about how to approach this conversation as a parent.

Whether it’s figuring out how to balance your responsibilities as a parent while still prioritizing your own pleasure, or finding a way to support your child’s growth as a sex positive parent — sex coaching is a great mode of support and guidance. After all, we are human beings and not robots. Our individual lives are interconnected, and one area is always going to affect another. As sex coaches, we can find ways to support and guide our clients who are parents so that they are able to achieve their true sexual potential.

Originally published at on October 14, 2022.

