The Exciting Life of an SCU Student: Organizing My Time


Welcome to the bi-weekly diary series, “The Exciting Life of an SCU Student!” Throughout this series, I will be sharing exactly what it’s like to work toward becoming a Certified Sex Coach through Sex Coach U. My struggles, my triumphs and everything in between — so you get a peek into what it’s really like to be a sex coach in training. I’m so excited to be on this sex coach training journey; thanks for coming with me!

Dear Diary,

It’s been a busy couple of weeks at Sex Coach U, and I’m excited to share my experiences with you. I guess the first thing I need to share is that finding time for my studies hasn’t been easy. But I’m determined to make it work because I know that becoming a Certified Sex Coach is what I truly want.

In addition to sharing about my struggles to find a balance with my work, family and study commitments, I also want to talk about the bigger picture today.

Because unexpectedly, this first course had me thinking about what sex coaching really is, what it means for ME to be a sex coach, and I even took a deep dive into visualising “My Dream Sex Coach Life.” It was exactly what I needed to help me feel motivated when time gets tight.

Balancing Work, Family, and Studies

Even though I look forward to learning more about the world of sexology, the reality of carving out dedicated time for study is proving difficult. There’s always something demanding my time. I knew that balancing work, family, and studies would be a challenge. But I guessed I’d figure it out!

So here I am, figuring it out.

I quickly realized that managing my time effectively would be critical to my success in the program. With work and a busy family life with three teenage sons and three dogs, I knew that I would need to be intentional about carving out time for my studies.

To start, I created a schedule that accounted for my work and family obligations, blocking out dedicated time slots for my studies each day. I found it helpful to break down my studies into smaller, manageable tasks that I could complete in short bursts throughout the day. For example, I am setting aside 30 minutes each morning to watch a lecture or two and then take a break to tend to other responsibilities before returning to my studies in the afternoon.

I’m also finding it helpful to take advantage of any downtime during the day to squeeze in some studying. For example, I bring my workbook to appointments and reflect and fill in a few pages while waiting. I’ve also started to use my cooking time to listen to audiobooks and webinars. Speaking of the SCU webinars, I was stunned to see the number of guests who have shared their wisdom on those. There are some real sexual health celebs in the line-up! I counted over 130 webinars–with none I’d be happy to skip.

One of the biggest challenges I’m facing as a student at Sex Coach U is the time difference. Being located in South Africa makes it difficult to attend live sessions. But I’m trying to review any recorded lectures that I miss as soon as possible so that I can stay on track. Thankfully, the live sessions aren’t required for graduation and certification, but I still don’t want to miss out on this amazing bonus material!

Overall, creating a schedule and breaking down my studies into smaller, more manageable tasks is helping me to stay organized and on top of things. While it requires some discipline and sacrifice to balance my workload, family obligations, and studies, I know that the effort will pay off in the end, as I am pursuing my passion and working toward a fulfilling career in sex coaching.

I don’t have a perfect plan yet, but I’m learning. This approach feels manageable, and I’m progressing well through the material.

What is Sex Coaching?

The first course teaches what exactly sex coaching is. I found it interesting to learn that therapy tends to focus on the “why” part of things by examining childhood and family origin issues, while sex coaching focuses on the “how” part to move forward into the present and future. As sex coaches, we aim to help clients set goals and establish an action plan to achieve them.

I also learnt that sex coaching is a de-pathologizing model, which means it does not use the Diagnostic Standards Manual of any mental illness practice. The approach is positive and encouraging, using consistently neutral language to move clients toward their goals. This resonated with me because I believe that everyone deserves to explore their sexuality in a safe and supportive environment, free from shame or judgment.

My Awkward Sexual Adventure

Accompanying course 101 is a hefty list of additional resources, including contemporary media to watch and books to read. I chose to watch a movie called “My Awkward Sexual Adventure.”

The film challenges traditional gender roles and emphasizes the importance of communication and emotional connection in sexual relationships.

I felt that My Awkward Sexual Adventure provided a light-hearted and somewhat relatable portrayal of common sexual and relationship issues, such as sexual insecurity and lack of communication. But, it contained some problematic messaging and behavior, such as normalizing casual sex without adequate communication or consent.

I enjoyed reflecting on the film and considering it critically and in conjunction with other resources and discussions about consent, communication, and ethical sexual behavior. It was a great starting point for further exploration and discussion.

What It Means for Me to Be a Sex Coach

With such a huge amount of information and additional resources, it would be easy to feel overwhelmed by the first course. But that’s where the accompanying workbook steps in to save the day.

It’s structured to help bring everything together and tie it up with a bow. So my top tip as a very new student, is this: Don’t skip the workbook!

It’s filled with prompts inviting you to explore your thoughts and feelings about everything in the various aspects of the lesson. I also enjoyed the journal activities, which direct you to reflect on your motivation for becoming a sex coach and imagine how your dream life as a sex coach might look.

It feels silly to share my vision because it doesn’t feel real. Could I really have this kind of life? But that’s exactly why I’m here, making sacrifices and investing in my future with this certification. So I will tell you, diary, how I envision my sex coach life.

My Dream Sex Coach Life

My day would begin with the sun peeking through the window shades, casting a warm glow on the sheets. I would rise early, stretch, and take a deep breath of fresh air before enjoying a cup of rich, aromatic coffee. The smell of freshly brewed coffee would linger in the air, awakening my senses and preparing me for the day ahead.

I would then engage in a gentle yoga flow, connecting with my breath and allowing my body to move freely and fluidly. As I move through the poses, I would focus on being present in the moment, letting go of any distractions or worries from the day ahead.

After my yoga practice, I would engage in intimacy exercises with my partner, focusing on building trust, communication, and connection, helping us to deepen our bond and cultivate a greater sense of intimacy.

I would then enjoy a leisurely walk on the beach with my dogs, enjoying the feel of the sand between my toes and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The fresh sea air would invigorate my senses, providing clarity and calm as we prepare for the day.

Before getting dressed for the day, I would take a refreshing shower, allowing the warm water to wash away any lingering tension or stress. I would choose clothing that makes me feel wonderful, selecting comfortable, stylish pieces that reflect my personal sense of style. By starting my day with mindfulness, intimacy, movement, and self-care, I would be ready to support my clients in the best way possible, with a clear and focused mind and a balanced and energized body.

I would head to my office, a bright and welcoming space with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The walls would be decorated with colorful artwork, and my desk would be neat and tidy, with a few inspiring books and objects on display.

As I begin my day, I would connect with clients worldwide, using cutting-edge technology to offer coaching sessions remotely. Their voices would fill the room as we discuss intimate topics and work together to improve their sexual well-being.

During breaks, I would indulge in a delicious and healthy meal, savoring the flavors and textures of fresh fruits and vegetables. The food would be invigorating, providing sustenance and energy for the rest of the day.

In the evenings, I would wind down with a soothing massage, feeling the expert touch of my private masseur as I relax and let go of any tension from the day. The sensation of the warm oil on my skin and the gentle pressure of the massage would be pure bliss, allowing me to fully unwind and recharge.

Reflecting on my day, I would feel fulfilled and grateful for the opportunity to support my clients in their sexual journeys. The sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch experiences throughout my day would help me create a holistic approach to sex coaching that nurtures each client’s mind, body, and spirit.

Making a Positive Impact

After completing Course 101, I can honestly say that I feel even more committed to this path. Helping individuals and couples improve their sexual relationships and experience more pleasure and intimacy is a vital and meaningful endeavor. In fact, it’s a privilege to guide clients through their sexual journeys, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact in their lives.

I look forward to starting Course 102 and uncovering new insights and experiences.

Until next time,




Lisa Welsh | Save That Spark
Sex Matters Magazine by Sex Coach U

Sex doesn't have to be boring or stressful. I'm Lisa Welsh, helping men master female pleasure and ignite passion and intimacy in their relationships.