Sex Coaching & Therapy, Part 2: We’re More Alike…

This is the 2nd installment in our Sex Coaching & Therapy series. Last time, we looked at how sex coaching differs from psychotherapy, sex therapy, and marriage and family therapy. Read that article here.

These are all distinct disciplines, but although we’re different, we’re not saying that sex coaching is better than any of these other approaches to sexual healing.

We’re all far more alike than we are different.

For instance, everyone who becomes any kind of therapist or coach has, at their core, a deep desire to help other people work through whatever is challenging for them in their lives.

All of these fields (sex coaches and the various types of therapists) appreciate the power of the relationship between provider and client/patient to help people work through their stuff. We all value talking as a primary vehicle for change.

We all seek to make the world a better place through helping individuals in our own small corners of the world. We know that societal change starts small and that individual sexual healing can lead to cultural shifts toward a more sex positive world.

All of us are concerned with not making our clients’ or patients’ lives worse, so we’re always learning. Most of us appreciate the importance of training and certification in our chosen fields and specialties.

And above all, we’re all human and have compassion for our fellow humans. We all make mistakes, we all crave connection in some form, we all have fears and things that scare us, we all are wonderfully complex and perfectly imperfect.

We’re all doing our best and trying to help others do their best.

In the next article in this series, we’ll dive into how we as sex coaches can work together with therapists in a positive and healthy manner. We’ll also talk more about how to build our professional referral network.

Do you have what it takes to be a sex coach? Learn about what it means to be a sex coach with this free video series from Sex Coach U.



Rebecca Dugas writing as Inara de Luna
Sex Matters Magazine by Sex Coach U

Rebecca Dugas (aka Inara de Luna) is the Email Marketing Specialist & Editor-in-Chief at