Dreaming of a steamy reunion with my ex

It wasn’t sexy: it was a warning

Elena J
Sex, Love and Relationships
2 min readMar 24, 2023


Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

I regularly have extremely vivid dreams.

I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night feeling as though I’m in the film Inception. I wish I could capture in words the incredible images of my imagination, but mostly I just want to go back to sleep, and by the time I properly wake up, things have faded.

Not last night though.

I had a vivid dream and it has stayed with me, because it was a warning, one which is important to heed.

In my dream, I was separated from my boyfriend. This is not so far from the truth of real life as we are temporarily in different countries due to work situations.

In my dream, out of loneliness, boredom, and the need for attention, a whole mix of emotions, I contacted an ex-boyfriend who I knew was still interested in me and we got together in a passionate reunion.

For days we hung out as though we were together, and I didn’t for a second think about my actual boyfriend. It was like I was another person. No guilt, no second thoughts, just steamy, sensual connection.

In the dream, after a few days, I suddenly come to my senses and I confide in a friend about what I’ve done. And that’s when I woke up.

The wave of relief that hit me when I woke up was incredible.

Thank god. Thank god that wasn’t real.

Thank god I hadn’t done anything — that I hadn’t betrayed my boyfriend’s trust and broken his heart. We are still together, even if we’re currently apart.

I’ve been known to make some rash decisions in real life and to suffer the consequences later. It is not out of the realm of possibility, considering my current state of loneliness, that I could do something irrevocably stupid.

I fully believe that this dream was a warning for me — don’t throw away what you have. To kiss someone, to have sex with another person, that would be the end of this relationship, no matter how much I long to be in the arms of my boyfriend right now. He could never forgive such behaviour, and I wouldn’t want him to.

I couldn’t forgive him if it was the other way around.

It might be hard being apart right now, but it’s just a few months. It will only serve to make us appreciate how good things are when we’re back together.

Thanks subconscious for reminding me of that.



Elena J
Sex, Love and Relationships

I love writing stories about dating and relationships, as well as travelling, learning, families, bodies, and being a woman.