
Give the Gift of Sex This Holiday Season

Veronica Sully
Sex, Love and Relationships


I really mean this. Suck, fuck, lick, and ride your way to the most memorable holiday ever!

We are in the thick of the holiday season, at least for everyone who celebrates. What does this mean? It means scrambling to find gifts for family and friends, wish lists, and the exceptionally personal gift cards for those people you have no idea what to get.

So much pressure is put on all of us to get the perfect gift. That tangible thing that the person may or may not need that they can hold in their hands and post on social media. Then there is the pressure to be a better gift-giver than someone else. Many of us end up in serious debt as we buy extravagant gifts not because we want to but because we want to show off.

This is stupid. I’m just going to say it. What if, and hear me out here, we gave sex as gifts? Imagine how incredible that could be. I’m not just talking about our significant others. You know me better than that. I understand society doesn’t cater to these beliefs, but imagine if it did.

Think about it.

During the holidays, giving your postal worker a gift is commonplace. Some people offer tips, and some think baking cookies and giving them as gifts is sufficient. I am really good friends with a postman and would you like to know what happens to all of those sweet…



Veronica Sully
Sex, Love and Relationships

Author and blogger of relationships, sexuality, sex, cheating, and adultery. Sexologist and student of life.