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It’s NOT Cheating if You Can’t Get it at Home!

This is an important message for everyone!

Veronica Sully
4 min readJan 28, 2024


Cheating. Such a simple word but one that comes with so many connotations and emotions. I’m here to set the record straight about one aspect of cheating that people fail to recognize.

Before I do, I want to talk a little bit about the word cheating. We hear it all the time. We heard it as kids when you beat your siblings at a board game. I won, so, therefore, I must have been cheating.

Professional sports? Yup, accusations of cheating all the time. From doping to bending the rules. Wherever you find success, you will likely hear the word cheating because we as humans often fail to recognize that some people gain success on their own. When they do something we can’t or are unwilling to do, it’s cheating, right? Yup. It’s a cop-out.

I’m not writing this article to talk about cheating in that aspect, however. This is about the other kind of cheating. The kind of cheating where someone fucks someone else. It’s not always fucking, either. Sometimes, it’s emotional cheating or even mental cheating, but the concept is the same. Someone strays from their relationship for whatever reason.

It’s been a while since I’ve written here, so let me recap my stance on all things sex and love. I believe that…



Veronica Sully
Sex, Love and Relationships

Author and blogger of relationships, sexuality, sex, cheating, and adultery. Sexologist and student of life.