Let your Fingertips.

Let your fingertips explore…

Sneh Gaurav
Sex, Love and Relationships
2 min readMar 14, 2023


Photo by Erwi on Unsplash

As we stand here,

drenched by the rain,

Washing everything clean and forbidden,

And taste me till I am eaten…

Removing all of the sultry,

smitten only by thirst and our desire for tongues

Let your fingertips explore

And taste me till I am devoured.

As the droplets fall from the sky

and drench my lips,

entangling tongues just the way you do,

I remember how much I love you.

Let your warmth cascade,

through my dampened hips,

Lifting me up and pushing me back against the wall.

Let your fingertips wander and explore,

and let your lips tenderly caress

through the gentle, passionate kiss.

As our overheated skin slowly submerges itself in craving heat

we pull out the clothing of every layer,

eager to feel some relief.

only you and me, and the rain,

in between, as we gaze at each other

until I finally immerse myself in our meet.

Let your fingertips explore

and squeeze until I am satisfactorily complete.

As the wilting flower below

desperately wants to bloom,

hardened buds are bidding you hold.

Eagerly rest your lips on my untouched delicacy

Take me in whole,

gasping with pleasure, dripping wet,

and unafraid to be bold

Let your fingers explore

the hidden depths of the music and blend,

hot on the uncontrolled floor.

Let your fingertips explore

and find your way through this guide.



Sneh Gaurav
Sex, Love and Relationships

In this world full of papers, I promise to write you letters.