Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

My Guide to Cheating/Fucking at Your Company Holiday Party

Veronica Sully
Sex, Love and Relationships


Ah, the holidays are upon us, and we know what that means: company holiday parties. It’s that one time of year when you see a different side of your coworkers, for better or worse.

It’s also a time when the temptation to sleep with them rears its head.

We’ve all heard the stories, some end well and others not so much. This is my guide to cheating / or just fucking at your company holiday party.

Listen, I’ve been there. I’ve had sex twice at these events in my career, so I’m not passing any judgment. I’m here to give you things to think about and to help keep you safe.

I know there are people you work with that you want to fuck. We all have them. Some of them probably want to fuck you, too.

Let’s talk about cheating for a moment. My advice is to NOT cheat on your partner at a holiday event. It goes against almost every rule I have for cheating. I know how it goes, however. Drinks are had, and that guy in shipping that you always lift your skirt a little for looks even hotter in jeans and a tight tee shirt. Or, that girl you always see in the cafeteria is wearing leggings that make you weak in your knees. We’re human, and we have needs. I get it.



Veronica Sully
Sex, Love and Relationships

Author and blogger of relationships, sexuality, sex, cheating, and adultery. Sexologist and student of life.