Origin Story — Slave Writes a Love Letter

Lisette Monroe
Sex, Love and Relationships


At the time this blog was posted in 2013, people reviewing it on the blog and on twitter really wanted to know my slave/husband’s thoughts on what was happening to him. I suspect many a slave/sissy wanted to really live their life through us living ours or wanted to help guide a new person into their community.

What follows is the letter he wrote that was posted on the blog. This is from his perspective. Not mine.

Dear Mistress,

I am writing this letter in response to your desire for a guest blog. The one suggestion we received was for a love letter to you. So, without further ado, here goes nothing!

I love you with all of my heart, mind, and soul! I knew when I married you that you completed me, but boy, I did not realize just how much you completed me! This last month or so has been exquisite in the depth to which you have gone to truly take me over as your slave.

I love the way you look into my eyes and say, “Not today, slave” while I rest between your thighs, tongue gently lapping at your clit, finger making circles against your g-spot.

I love the way you tie me to the bed, music playing in my headphones, unable to talk or see while you run your hands along my body, along your cock. It makes me shiver just writing it!

I love the way that you crop me while I am gagged so you don’t have to hear my whimpers and groans from the pain. I know it makes it easier for you to punish your slave harder if you can’t hear him.

I love the way you leave me tied spread eagle on my stomach. Will you toy with my anus? You know it is awkward for me and at the same time highly arousing. You know just what pushes my buttons.

I love the way you bought me my first pair of panties, and even when I was scared and nervous about wearing them out, you replaced my boxers with pink satin panties while I was showering. It was an exquisite day.

I am sure that as we grow old together as Husband and Wife, we will grow into a permanent Mistress & slave/sissy life as well.

In Loving Slavery,


P.S. If you enjoyed this and are reading me for the first time, checkout the rest of my Origin Story on my profile as I just recently joined two new publications.



Lisette Monroe
Sex, Love and Relationships

Aspiring author specializing on BDSM/Kink themed erotica & romance.