
The Hidden Truth Of Ethical Cheating

“Just talk to your partner about opening up your relationship.” It’s not that easy. I explain.

Veronica Sully
Sex, Love and Relationships
4 min readFeb 14, 2024


Living a polyamorous lifestyle, or engaging in ethical non-monogamy (which is where one or both partners are free to explore sex with others — usually with ground rules) seems like a perfect solution to cheating, right?

I mean, when I write articles about cheating, one of the first comments I get is “Why don’t you just talk to your partner bout ethical non-monogamy (ENM)?

Ah, if only it were that simple. What I’m about to write is a generalization and not by any means absolute. I will say that there are many poly couples, and couples who practice ENM very happily without issue. I’m not writing about those people because, for the masses, it’s a complicated web.

What do I mean? Let’s find out.

First and foremost I could retire now if I had a few dollars for every comment I got that suggested people should just talk to their partners about opening their relationship. This rarely happens which is why cheating is so popular. If everyone were open and receptive to their significant others fucking other people, no one would cheat…ever. We have emotions and egos, jealousy, and anger built up inside us most of the time. The world has…



Veronica Sully
Sex, Love and Relationships

Author and blogger of relationships, sexuality, sex, cheating, and adultery. Sexologist and student of life.