Image showing words like Nutrition, Healthy lifestyle, sex, self-care for a new online publication focusing on these topics.
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Call For Writers | Write For Us | Lifestyle | Self-Improvement | Sex | Relationships | Love | Fitness | Healthy | Nutrition

Welcome To Sex, Love and Relationships

An introduction and a call for writers.

3 min readMar 8, 2022


Welcome to Sex, Love and Relationships, the publication that takes an in-depth look into all the things we need to be the best versions of ourselves we can be. We are looking to build a community where we can share our opinions and experiences in a safe and constructive way. This is not a medical journal, and any articles posted here are not to be used as such.

Legal stuff:

Before we get into specifics for publishing, we must say that individuals should consult medical or psychological professionals before making any drastic life changes. Love, Sex and Relationships will not be held liable for any harm, either physical or emotional, resulting from information obtained within our articles and stories.

Writing guidelines:

We are looking for well crafted articles and stories that offer a perspective on any of the topics below. Opinion pieces are welcome and all we ask is that they be original works, be well edited, and come with a cover photo that is attributed to…



Veronica Sully
Sex, Love and Relationships

Author and blogger of relationships, sexuality, sex, cheating, and adultery. Sexologist and student of life.