5 Explosive Reasons to wear a Penis Ring in 2017!

Sex & Relationships
2 min readApr 7, 2016

Penis Rings are designed to maintain Erections and for some, create more intense orgasms. They are around the base of the penis, or around the penis and testicles, and restrict blood flow from leaving the penis.

  1. Creates firmer, longer lasting erections
  2. More intense orgasms
  3. Assist a man who has trouble maintain erections
  4. Gives the penis a different look and may look bigger
  5. They feel good almost like having a firm grip around your penis

Q & A

What kind of Penis ring should I choose?

It is best that you choose a penis ring that fits your size and comfort level, I have tried a few variations and it is trial and error but you will find a great fit

How long should I wear a penis ring?

I say 20 minutes top is the longest you should wear it, not saying your dick may fall off but we don’t want to take any chances.

How do I put a Penis Ring on?

Start with a hard penis and stretch it around the head until it reaches your balls, some may want it under the balls and some may not it is completely up to you, however if your balls are sensitive like mine I wouldn’t.

For more information on Penis Rings and to purchase yours check out our site — Shopvarela.com



Sex & Relationships

WildMoon is an intimate boutique that specializes in gender and body positivity. Based in Detroit. We publish articles that inspire and educate.