Change your Sex life with Kegels for Men

Sex & Relationships
2 min readDec 6, 2015

I would like to introduce men to Kegel Exercises that helped me improve the tone of my PC muscle which is automatically quite low. If you use Kegels then you can reach a point where your muscles are stronger and, therefore, avoid urinary incontinence problems and also last longer in bed. This may sound like an infomercial or sales pitch but trust me it is a life changing exercise that is beneficial to both you and your mate.

What is Kegel?

Kegel is named after Arnold Kegel who was an Iowa gynecologist and inventor of the Kegel perineometer, an instrument that measures the contraction strength of pelvic floor muscles. Kegels are strength building exercises that contract, flex and release the Pubococcygeus (PC) muscles of the pelvic floor.

What is the benefit?

The benefits of Kegel exercise is to provide relief from urinary incontinence or in men's terms that dribble after you shake, and also improves the blood flow through the penis, which goes a great way for the bedroom.

Go Hard or Go Home!

Kegels improves your stamina so you can go longer, stronger and in time harder for more intense sexual performances.

How to do Men Kegel?

So in order to do an effective Kegel exercise you must do at least 3 workouts per day — (1) morning, (2) noon, (3) night. You can do at least 3 sets of 15 reps per workout. A few examples can be one squeeze/contraction as a rep, holding a squeeze for 3 seconds as a rep, alternating a quick contraction and a long squeeze as a rep, or holding your squeeze for a long period of time, such as 30 seconds. You can do your workouts with clothes on, during commercials, at work or in bed. Some couples do Kegel exercises together. He gets erect, penetrates her, and they alternate doing reps. For those of you who haven’t yet tried, it’s a lovely feeling to have a vagina do a Kegel exercise with your penis inside.

Do I need to have anything for Kegel?

Absolutely not.

Enhance Kegel?

It is easy to enhance your workouts just like you would working out with normal weight lifting and exercises just increase your reps and vary your workouts from time-to-time.

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Sex & Relationships

WildMoon is an intimate boutique that specializes in gender and body positivity. Based in Detroit. We publish articles that inspire and educate.