Sex Tech Round up — 01

Grace Santos-Murphy
Sex Tech Says
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2020

👋 Welcome to your weekly round up of sex tech related news. I’ve been wanting to start something like this for a while, so here goes. It’s a super fascinating industry that is changing our lives for the better, and bringing heaps more pleasure, sex education & empowerment to so many human beings 💕.

These will be coming your way every Tuesday, let me know what you think and if there is anything in particular you’d like to hear more of! 🙌

Here is a round up of what’s been happening in the world of sex tech over the past week. Coronavirus has shaken up the whole world and so many industries are being impacted, sex tech included.

Lots of amazing pleasure related content is accessible online 💻

Dr Karen Gurney Live on Instagram — Conditions for Good Sex

Dr Karen Gurney (aka the sex doctor) hosted a fab live session on Instagram all about understanding your conditions for good sex. The three main pillars that are important here:

  1. Physical Touch
  2. Pyschological Arousal
  3. Being in the moment

As you can guess, all 3 things are crucial, as is the interplay between them. It was super informative and lots of useful exercises to take away and do either by yourself or with your partner(s). See a bunch of her great online resources about it here.

Dipsea — free web content

Dipsea (audio erotica app) are offering some free audio content til the end of April, specifically their Guided and “How-to” stories. This little snippet from their blog explains their reasoning and it really resonated:

“In times of crisis, pleasure is often overlooked. But we can’t let ourselves forget to feel alive in the midst of struggle. At its core, pleasure is an opportunity to check in with yourself, a way to self-soothe, and a reminder that you are worthy of joy.”

They’ve got a diverse range of erotic stories & guided sessions and all on a beautifully designed app. Read more about their free content here.

Sex toys for all — a pleasure filled quarantine! 🎉

Bellesa Boutique partnered with Womanizer global to give away thousands of vibrators to their followers in North America during their self isolation.

“we want y’all home, safe & happy. social distancing, but make it orgasm-filled.”

Read more about it here. They’ve stated that sales of their sex toys have increased due to covid-19. In the UK, they’ve increased by 13%, whilst Canada has seen a whopping 135% increase, and a 71% increase in Italy.

FYI — Sex & masturbation are good for the immune system 💓

Incase you needed a reminder, sex (solo or with a partner that your quarantined with!) is just wonderful for boosting your immune system. So here is another activity you can add to your self isolating and social distancing to do list…

Stay safe pals during this time of self isolation. Remember to support your local businesses if you can (including sex shops!). Everyone’s favourite female focused sex shop, Sh! is still taking orders online, offering tailored advice on the phone, as well as hosting live Q&As on their Instagram.



Grace Santos-Murphy
Sex Tech Says

Product Manager in London. I’m interested in mental health, feminism and sex tech. I’m a blogger and all views are my own.