Sex Tech Round-up — 02

Grace Santos-Murphy
Sex Tech Says
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2020

👋 Welcome to this weeks round-up of sex tech news! Find out how coronavirus is changing our porn habits and sex lives, as well as some upcoming free remote events to keep you calm and satisfied over the week.

Photo by Daniel Tafjord on Unsplash

🦠 Coronavirus + Porn 👀

So, as you might have guessed, porn consumption has massively increased during this global pandemic. Now, Pornhub is not my go-to site (I’m more of an audio erotica kinda gal), but they have published some super interesting stats around this, here are some highlights:

  • Traffic to their site has increased by around ~19% worldwide.
  • Italy was one of the first countries to go into quarantine, and traffic increased by a whopping 56% in a single day when Porn hub offered their premium service for free.
  • It looks like both genders have been increasing their consumption pretty equally, but at different times of the day. Women are more likely to visit the site between midnight and 3am, whereas men are more likely to visit during lunchtime (#afternoondelight).

Not only are we watching more porn, but we’re also interested in a different type of porn. Yep, you guessed it — Coronavirus porn. Justin J Lehmiller, a sex researcher, explains the psychology behind why we might be into this kind of porn in this article here, and he also gives us a taste of what we might expect to see in these kinds of videos:

What does coronavirus porn look like? It involves a lot of people having sex while wearing masks, surgical gloves, and hazmat suits.


Some other fun facts about this niche type of porn:

Searches featuring “coronavirus” first appeared on 25th January, and have only been increasing.

Slovakia and Bulgaria are amongst the countries who are most likely to be searching for this.

There have now been over 9million searches for coronavirus porn.

📋 Guidelines on Coronavirus + Sex 🌶

The NYC government were one of the first to publish a set of guidelines around sex & COVID-19, highlighting:

“You are your safest sex partner. Masturbation will not spread COVID-19.”

👏👏 Waaahaay to governments actually encouraging some self-love! 👏👏

Check out the full guidelines, or I recommend taking a look at Unbound babes’ visual illustrations — here’s a little taster:

The BBC have swiftly followed suit and put together this helpful article featuring advice from Alix Fox & Dr Alex (yes, from Love Island) answering some Q&As around the topic.

🤪 A little bit of lolz

If you need some light relief…

  • Wishing you were anywhere else but stuck at home right now? How about space? 🚀Maude has collated all the best films with people getting it on intergalactic style, so have a read, pick your fave and be transported to a planet far far away 👩‍🚀💫👨‍🚀…
  • Probably my favourite article of the week from Franki Cookney — sales of Ann Summers’ penis-shaped pasta have gone through the roof 📈, they are up 1,300% compared to this time last year. The cooking pastabilities are endless here — check out the ways people have been getting saucy with this ingredient 🍝. They’ve also reduced their price of it, so you can save a pretty penne. Okay, okay, I’ll stop with the puns now, but hopefully they had you ROFLing (Ravioling on the floor laughing…). OKAY, I’M DONE 🤐.

📅 Free events this week

  • Mindful Moments with Ferly. For the rest of this week, they are offering a range of mindful moment sessions, from mindful movement and breathwork to mindful eating and relationship workshops. They are all at UK friendly times too.
  • Dame is offering something similar — online movement and mindfulness classes on Instagram live, at a range of times that are UK & US friendly.

So there are lots of opportunities to stay grounded & present during these unpredictable times ✌️.



Grace Santos-Murphy
Sex Tech Says

Product Manager in London. I’m interested in mental health, feminism and sex tech. I’m a blogger and all views are my own.