15 More Quotes About Condoms

Because National Condom Week rages on…like our lust

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by rclassenlayouts on DepositPhotos

It’s no wonder that National Condom Week, which is February 14 to 21, begins on Valentine’s Day since many couples are probably still feeling the love from the holiday. National Condom Week rages on, like our lust, and here are more quotes illustrating what people are saying.

1. “Putting a condom on is like raising your own flag, there is a solemn sensation when it is all erected.”
-Alain Bremond-Torrent

2. “If I could be the ‘condom queen’ and get every young person who engaged in sex to use a condom in the United States, I would wear a crown on my head with a condom on it! I would!”
-Joycelyn Elders

3. “It’s not enough just to buy condoms, Cassidy; you have to use them.”
-Karen Marie Moning

4. “We’re the ones causing global warming. In fact, what we ought to be saying is population growth is a major cause of it, so I hope to have a T-shirt out very, very soon: Stop global warming, use condoms.”
-Mechai Viravaidya

5. “It seemed to me, watching, that if you were dextrous enough to gift-wrap an independent-minded amphibian, you could just about manage a condom.”
-Naomi Wolf

