25 More Quotes About Nudity

Because people have a lot to say about the naked body

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


Photo by konradbak on DepositPhotos

How do people feel about nudity? Is it good, bad, or just something we all experience at some point with no real importance attached to it? Here are more quotes about nudity to explore these different ideas.

1. “A poem is a naked person….Some people say that I am a poet.”
-Bob Dylan

2. “Woman’s nudity is wiser than the philosopher’s teachings.”
-Max Ernst

3. “When I was growing up, in our house nudity was defined as the period of time between the shower and your towel.”
-Amy Cohen

4. “I wasn’t really naked. I simply didn’t have any clothes on.”
-Josephine Baker

5. “The nude, if you tackle it, is a very fascinating subject, especially for a woman.”
-Isabel Bishop

6. “We alternately think of nudity as a perversion and a state of innocence. Why is our response so contradictory and why is nudity treated so differently in different contexts?”
-Ruth Barcan

7. “Just looking at each other is something really moving to me, more so than the nudity.”
-Kathryn Hahn

